Friday, January 22, 2021

The Finding Bigfoot Skunk Ape Handprint

     In one of the first seasons of the show, the television program Finding Bigfoot took a look at an alleged primate handprint left behind by what the witnesses referred to as a Skunk Ape, (which is a common name for Sasquatch and other mystery primates in the southern states, mostly Florida).

    The handprint could not be preserved, as it was left in only an oil smear on the sliding glass door of the witnesses' home. A photograph and video, however, were taken of the evidence. Although the photograph is low quality, it can be observed that there is a hand-like impression, seemingly made in oil, on the glass door. 

    The handprint seems to display a rather elongated and wide nature, with a noticeable bulge near what would be the trapezium bone at the base of the thumb, fingertips that are long enough to not be properly picked up by the imprint, narrow finger structure, and a generally wide palm.

    Below is the original photograph, as well as a mock-up of what a rather humanoid hand would need to look like to make a similar imprint without too much dragging. The photo's labels are credited to Bigfoot Lunch Club.

       The hand seems to match up rather nicely, (if dragging is not ignored but factored into the appearance of the print), with the handprint of an orangutan. The handprint of the orangutan would also match rather well with the original alleged Skunk Ape handprint, save for the rather short thumb of the orangutan and the slenderness of its palm.

    The most likely answer, in this case, is that this was made by a human. The similarities to human and non-human primate hands seem equally strong and hold no superior merit either way. However, this does not mean that a positive identification should be assumed. It is my own opinion that there is not enough information available on the print to make any kind of positive identification; only hypothetical comparisons.

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